Brezplačni LinkedIn Learning tečaji za študente in zaposlene za delo in študij od doma LinkedIn Learning je tudi študentom in zaposlenim iz Slovenije omogočil brezplačni dostop do spletnih tečajev namenjenih delu in študiju od doma. Brezplačna izobraževanja, ki so na voljo za študente in zaposlene: Working Remotely Time Management: Working from Home Productivity Tips: Finding Your Productive Mindset Executive Presence on Video Conference Calls Thriving @ Work: Leveraging the Connection between Well-Being and Productivity Managing Stress for Positive Change Building Resilience Developing Resourcefulness Leading at a Distance Managing Virtual Teams Leading Virtual Meetings Learning Zoom Learning BlueJeans Meetings Learning WebEx Learning Skype Microsoft Teams Tricks and Tips Spletni tečaji so na voljo v angleškem jeziku. 19. 3. 2020 | Novice in dogodki